Since there wasn't anything in this board I thought I'd open up a spot to talk about the animals we share our lives with. =)
I'll start with my zoo
I have:
2 hairless rats named Mushika and Deshnok. They are named after Mushika, the rat that the hindu god Ganesh is often seen riding on, and Deshnok, the name of the town where the Temple of Karni Mata (where rats are sacred) is located. I can't really tell them apart anymore, since they don't have hair.
2 dwarf hamsters named Ruby and Hazel. They're very cute, but since they'd probably bite a chunk outta my finger if I tried to hold them, I can only watch them and if I'm lucky, pet them a little.
A guinea pig named Gizmo...I've had him for almost 3 years and he's very sweet. He entertains us with all the silly guinea pig noises he makes and goes nuts when he hears a plastic bag rattling.
A bearded dragon named Spike. He likes sunbathing on the pool deck with me and pigs out on crickets.
2 society finches named Zelda (the female) and Merlin (the male). They are a mated pair and have laid many eggs...although I only let them raise one clutch of 5 babies. I gave the babies away when they got old enough so now I just have my original two.
3 aquariums:
a 20gal with some Shabunkin and Comet goldfish and a Dojo loach
a 10gal with one male betta, 3 female bettas, and an assortment of ghost shrimp and dwarf frogs. I've also got a clown pleco in there.
a 5gal that just has a few minnows in it for now.
I'm currently looking into getting some axolotls, they're very easy to care for and not that expensive either.
What pets do you guys have?